SSAG Events: Connect, Learn, Thrive

At the heart of the Singapore Students Association in Germany (SSAG) lies a dynamic calendar of events designed to enhance your student experience, foster connections, and empower you on your educational journey. Explore our signature events:

1. Pre-Departure Information Session and Get-Together:

Prepare for your upcoming studies in Germany with valuable insights, tips, and practical guidance. Our pre-departure information session equips you with essential knowledge to navigate life in Germany. Following the session, connect with fellow students at our get-together event, forging friendships that will accompany you on your adventure.

2. Kennenlernwochenende (Welcome Weekend):

Start your semester with a Welcome Week that introduces you to the SSAG community, German culture, and your new surroundings. Participate in engaging activities, discover the local scene, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

3. Annual General Meeting (AGM):

The AGM is your opportunity to shape SSAG’s future. Attend to learn about our accomplishments, future plans, and join the discussion about how we can better serve you. Have a voice in the direction of our association and get involved in leadership roles.

4. Career Fairs and Professional Development:

Forge connections with professionals and potential employers through our career fairs. Gain valuable insights from expert speakers who share their career experiences and knowledge. SSAG is your bridge to career opportunities and development.

These events are more than just gatherings; they’re opportunities to connect with peers, gain essential information, and embark on a successful academic journey. Stay updated on upcoming events, and mark your calendars to make the most of your time in Germany.

At SSAG, we’re committed to enhancing your student life and providing the support you need to thrive. Join us at our events and become a part of our community.

Read here about our past events:

Pre-Departure Events

2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017


2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017

Annual General Meeting/Career Fair

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017